Tag Archives: Psychic Chasms

Neon Indian

5 Oct

This originally appeared on the scene in 2009, but I’ve just caught up with it now.. It’s Neon Indian! How to categorize Neon Indian? I’d call it trippy chill wave. It’s totally different to anything else I know, that’s one way of categorizing it, as an outlier. But as all statisticians know, outliers are often the most interesting, and that certainly fits for the music of these four Texans. I’m going to share a couple of tracks with you today. It’s weird, it’s strange but it’s also brilliant!

Neon Indian – Laughing Gas

Anyone whose taken Laughing Gas will attest to the following – it’s going to be pretty hard to recreate musically. Well this comes close I suppose.. It’s up and down, it’s every where, and okay, it’s not as fun as laughing gas, but it’s still good. And those who haven’t tried laughing gas.. you’re missing out.

Neon Indian – Should Have Taken Acid With You

I’m not really the kind of person who’d normally want to take acid, get naked and go swimming. Well. I wouldn’t want to do them all at once anyway… Well the point is this song makes me want to.